Please remember to employ the proper safety procedures when working in and around water and heights.
Aluminium or Stainless Steel Fixing Strip (can be purchased at Bunnings)
Appropriate Fixing Screw (adjust screw type according to fixing surface)
Measuring Tape
Power Drill
Step 1: Measure and mark the location of the guide holes at a maximum of 450mm apart (from centrelines).
Step 2: Laying the fender on a flat surface, use a power drill to drill the guide holes at the peak of the fender. Remove the drill swarf and burrs.
Step 3: Slide the aluminium/stainless steel fixing strip inside the fender along its base.
Step 4: Depending on its length, have somebody help you hold the fender in the desired position. If you are installing the D fender with lip, rest the inner edge of the lip against the top edge of the pier.
Step 5: Using a power drill, fix the screw into position.